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Sleep Apnea

Harrisonburg Sleep Apnea Treatment: It's Time to Get Your Rest!

Stop Snoring and Sleep Better

Snoring is annoying to everyone involved. It results in poor-quality sleep for the person snoring and possibly no sleep for their bed partner. Some snorers are even loud enough to disturb people in other rooms. When someone prone to snoring falls asleep, the soft tissue inside their mouth, including the tongue, relaxes, obstructing the airway and resulting in that classic “sawing wood” sound about which jokes are made. What’s not funny is the constant fatigue, stress, and other detrimental effects of sleep deprivation. We provide Harrisonburg Sleep Apnea treatment for anyone who snores or is concerned that sleep apnea may impact their life. We’ll get to the root of the problem and provide a solution you can sleep with.

Harrisonburg Sleep Apnea Treatment: It's Time to Get Your Rest!

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Snoring can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, in which the airway is blocked so that the person snoring stops breathing momentarily. In addition to the above-mentioned ill effects of snoring, sleep apnea can increase the risk of more serious issues, such as high blood pressure, heart trouble, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and liver problems. If you suspect you need sleep apnea treatment in Harrisonburg, schedule your consultation today.

Diagnosis and Treatment

During a comprehensive oral exam, you will be asked questions from the widely used STOP-BANG questionnaire for sleep apnea screening. If Dr. Smallwood determines that sleep apnea is likely the problem, you will be referred to a sleep doctor for a complete evaluation. Hopefully, your sleep apnea will be such that the sleep doctor will decide it can be controlled using a custom-molded dental appliance for sleep apnea, for which you’ll receive a referral and which we can have fitted and made for you. Such appliances are a much more comfortable and convenient option than the hoses, masks, and noise of a CPAP machine that forces air into your airway.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Our Patients Love us!


I’ve been a regular with Dr. Smallwood since they first came to Harrisonburg some years ago and I can highly recommend them. Where would my teeth be without them?

" - Skip T.

I have been going to this practice for ten years. They have always shown kindness, friendliness, and caring. Thank you for taking the time, and your expertise in guiding me to a healthier smile.

" - Jeannie H.

I enjoyed every minute of my appointment. Everyone is so nice. They not only deliver superb dental care, they treat the patient as a real human person, not just a mouth. I went home inspired, threw out the peanut brittle, and started to faithfully use my waterpik.

" - Susan A.